*Submissions and presentations are in English.*
Note from the iPRES 2018 Organizing Team: This is the full Call for Contributions. Because we have received questions about the abstracts and papers process and about the deadlines, we are making the deadline for all submissions April 15 – please note that there will be no further extension to that deadline.
Come help us celebrate the first 15 Years of iPRES, the premier international conference on digital preservation! The theme for iPRES 2018: where art and science meet: the art in science and the science in art - aims to broaden the voices and approaches participating in the conference. iPRES brings together a broad array of practitioners, researchers, educators, providers, students, and others to share lessons learned from engaging in digital preservation, including recent research, developments, and innovations. MIT Libraries and Harvard Library are co-hosting the conference is in Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts on September 24-27, 2018.
The iPRES 2018 Organizing Team seeks contributions that tell stories about bridging knowledge gaps in teams, implementing technologies, and overcoming barriers towards proper digital stewarding of digital items, assets, works and collections. Be creative. Be inspiring. Be inclusive. In keeping with the theme, we will embrace creative proposals that demonstrate how research and theory directly impact and influence practice at all levels.
See instructions for each peer-reviewed submission type: abstracts and papers, poster or demo, workshop or tutorial, and panel.
Please send any questions you have to the iPres 2018 Organizing Team at: ipres2018contributions@gmail.com
We invite original contributions that show the progress your organization has made in digital preservation -- describing practice- and theory-informed approaches to scientific models, daily practice, and creative solutions. We especially encourage collaborations with producers and people outside of the cultural heritage sector.
Contributions will address the overall conference theme and anniversary and/or cover exploration and activities related to but not limited to the following topics:
Please submit your contributions for peer review through the Easy Chair conference tool. You will be prompted to create an account if do not already have one. After creating an account, you will be prompted to submit your contribution. After submitting, you will receive an acceptance notice and notification from the program committee after the peer review process. Papers and all other contributions are due 15 April 2018. Detailed instructions are available for submitting all types of contribution types (see links below).
Papers and Abstracts
Contributions for iPRES 2018 include an optional paper abstract review. The iPRES 2018 Program Committee will provide feedback and suggestions for abstracts received between 15 February and 20 March. While submitting your paper abstract is voluntary, this is an important opportunity to get feedback about your proposal prior to submitting your paper and we hope to hear from many of you about your ideas. Your abstract should be at least 300 words and not exceed 500 words. In addition to the text of your abstract, your abstract should identify your contact information, paper title, and conference theme(s) you are addressing.
Please note that submitting a paper abstract does not mean that the final paper will be accepted: all papers are subjected to the same review process.
Authors may also submit a paper by the 15 April deadline without submitting an abstract.
We invite two kinds of papers:
All papers are due by 15 April.
Final papers with revisions to address reviewer comments are due 15 June.
Panel sessions
Proposals for thematic panels to be held during the main conference program. Panel proposals will be judged on the merits of the proposal and relevance for the expected audience. Proposals must detail the subject and desired outcomes for the panel discussion as well as the proposed panelists. The Program Committee may also identify individual thematic papers and invite submitters to form a panel or invite panelists to join a thematic panel, e.g., the 15th iPRES anniversary.
Posters and Demonstrations
Posters are ideal for reporting on emerging issues and on works in progress. Demonstrations provide an opportunity to highlight and share innovative solutions. Both require an extended abstract of up to 2 pages that clearly describes the topic to be presented and states its unique contribution to the field. Posters and demonstrations should aim to improve knowledge, show new technical capabilities, or share solutions and experience in the field.
Please refer to these detailed Instructions for Submitting Posters and Demos.
Workshops and Tutorials
We welcome proposals for workshops and/or tutorials that address the conference themes for iPres 2018.
An extended abstract of up to 2 pages describing the proposed content and agenda is required.
Please refer to these detailed Instructions for Submitting Workshops and Tutorials.
The non-peer reviewed submissions include: lightning talks, digital preservation games, original digital preservation graphics, and possibly other submissions types that we may add in planning for iPRES 2018. For additional information, see Ad Hoc Programming for iPRES 2018. Please note that Ad hoc sessions will not go through a formal peer review process, and will not be submitted through EasyChair as peer review sessions were.
Submissions that are accepted for inclusion in the conference will appear in the iPRES 2018 proceedings (in digital form). The proceedings will include:
After the review notifications, authors of the accepted papers will have an opportunity to edit their submissions for the final proceedings.
iPres 2018 will recognize these outstanding contributions during a ceremony on Wednesday afternoon.
Formal awards for peer-reviewed contributions:
Informal awards for non-peer reviewed contributions: