Case study: Preservation of image documents at the Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services (NIWI-KNAW)
René van Horik
Issues covered in the presentation:
- Task and mission of NIWI-KNAW
- Archiving of scientific data (Netherlands Historical Data Archive for archiving data sets created by scholars in the Humanities)
- Research & Development of ICT applications in Humanities (e.g. Historical discipline)
- Digital data collection creation projects (historical censuses, GIS, visual material)
- Creation and archiving of image documents at NIWI-KNAW
- Project oriented
- Scope on digitisation of historical sources
- Relation analogue original - digital surrogate
- Benchmarking digitisation chain
- Examples (mainly digitisation of historical photographic collections)
- How to guarantee long-term access to images?
- Risk management (assessment of risks that threat long-term access to digital images and the impact of the risks)
- In some situations microfilm is best archival medium!
- 'Film based imaging'
- Preservation microfilming vs. preservation imaging
- Access = preservation.
- OAIS reference model
- Function as "checklist"
- Used in practice to implement a data archive (of image documents)